Sunday, September 30, 2007 5:45 AM

keep on digressing from what i AM suppose to do, whats 2 days anyways. mmm, rambling away like a mad woman.

sorry, been meaning trying to blog. i just cant seem to put what i have to say in words. i even wanted to upload some pictures but i really just dont have the heart to haha. dont ask me why, just what ive been feeling the past few days.

puasa's going well, nothing much to say about that. every year it just seems the same. nothing different really. i cant also say im looking forward to raya, most of my friends are away again harumph. im starting to be a little like grinch of raya. maybe a little hot chocolate indulging will ease this grouching away. sungkai of course :p

whats going on this side of the world at the moment. endless gerais are popping up out of nowhere, which brings me to cendol. everyone claims their cendols are from temburong. aiya how to choose one? ive tried about 3 places and overall 1 is just pretty alright. tsktsk. taking advantage of people when its puasa. shrewd shrewd.

bah before i go on rambling on something a bit more severe. pls let me finish this blog huhu.
mopana signing off

effene; missin you too. where you been?
hannah; heya. im alright hows everything on your end? trying my best haha.
nadie; i know, you left so abruptly. :(
dayah; mana raf, tau diam ah hehe. :P

559am and backstreet is on my playlist huhuhuhu

Thursday, September 13, 2007 12:02 PM

hello strangers, seems like i went missing for awhile. it really is dead here if not for kim ! so my love, i dedicated this short post to you!

ah what have i been doing? ive been busy waiting for my candidate and centre number. ive been taking exra lessons for maths and malay which btw is going well. im understanding it a little bit more better than i did before. kudos for me! i havent just been only a geek, ive done my spoiling myself once in awhile too.

mmm, happy fasting to all those who are actually going to fast. its time to lose some weight before we all minta maaf and heaving our protuding stomachs in and out of the car into another house!

theres nothing much to update as for this moment 'cos i havent been really social or going out much buttt when i do you know you'll hear from me!





quod me nutrit; me destruit.